Erwin Lares

Erwin Lares

Dissertator with the Department of Spanish and Portuguese &
Project Assistant with the Office of Research Cyberinfrastructure

University of Wisconsin-Madison

I am a …

  • Ph.D. candidate in linguistics working with idioms and their quirkiness
  • Language Teacher
  • Data Science Enthusiast
  • Course Designer and Content Creator

Download my resumé.

  • Linguistics
  • Data Science and Quantitative Analysis
  • Language Instruction
  • ABD Linguistics, 2016

    University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • MA in Spanish Linguistics, 2007

    Northern Illinois University

  • BSc in Electrical Engineering, 1998

    Universidad Simón Bolívar


Cyber-research Infrastructure Project Assistant
Jun 2021 – Present Madison, WI
  • conducting analyses of survey data (both qualitative and quantitative) and usage metrics, including maintenance of existing workflows.
  • producing visualizations and reports from data.
  • gathering and summarizing user requirements for new systems
  • providing user support such as adding new users to services
  • developing and updating online support and communications materials for Research Cyberinfrastructure services
Sep 2016 – Present Madison, WI
  • Spanish 311 Online – Advanced Grammar and Composition.
    • Designed the course from the ground up to be taught fully online. Developed and delivered lessons. Researched and selected the technology tools used in the classroom.
  • Spanish 320 – Intro to linguistics and Spanish Phonetics.
    • Taught the introductory course to UW-Madison’s Spanish majors. Planned and delivered daily lessons, developed and carried out assessments.
Teaching Technology Graduate Assistant
Jun 2018 – May 2021 Madison, WI
  • Provided support, training, and outreach for teaching and learning initiatives to graduate students and faculty.
  • Led monthly training sessions on effective use of technology, pedagogy and best teaching practices for face-to-face, blended, and online learning environments.
Language Instructor
Sep 2012 – May 2018 Madison, WI
  • Taught all Spanish language courses that are part of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese undergraduate program.
  • Implemented day-to-day lesson planning, instruction delivery, assessment, and administrative duties including coordination of midterm and final exams.
High School Teacher
Aug 2009 – May 2012 Winnebago, IL
  • Carried out day-to-day lesson planning, instruction delivery, assessment, and administrative duties which included parent-teacher communications as well as community outreach programs.
  • Oversaw curriculum coordination and mentoring of two junior World Language teachers.
High School Teacher
Aug 2001 – Jun 2009 Lena, IL
  • Carried out day-to-day lesson planning, instruction delivery, assessment, and administrative duties which included parent-teacher communications as well as community outreach programs.

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Very competent

Language Teaching

Very Competent


Very competent

Course Designer


Tech Savvy



